Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Eyes Have It

Facial hair isn't such a bad thing if it's lashes and brows we're talking about.  I get a lot of comments on mine so I figured I'd post my current -I'd Rather Die Than Live Without- brow and lash products.  Here are three tips that pretty much apply to all faces, at least all faces that I've seen.
1. Angular brows are better than rounded.  There is a fine line between appropriate angular and gangster girl angular.  Be careful.
2. Everyone needs mascara.  If you think you don't- you're wrong.
3. One coat of mascara isn't enough.  You don't have to go all out Tammy Faye Baker but you do need at least two coats.  That means you apply, let it partially dry and apply again.

Mac Shadow in Brun, Anastasia Tinted Brow Gel in Espresso & Anastasia Brush #7
Lancome Definicils in Noir & Maybeline Falsies in Blackest Black

-xoxo ejg

1 comment:

  1. What's your current favorite liquid eyeliner and crayon/pencil eyeliner?
